About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Life goes on . . .

2020 has been a hell of a year. I remember on New Years Eve all my friends toasting to 2020 and saying that this was their year. They were gonna do everything the always wanted to do, travel, find a new job, be better versions of who they already were but Covid had other plans. Many of my friends have found new job but not because they had intended to but because they had to, to survive. Many of us have decided to go back to school because we wanted to try to find a pandemic proof career field. I have been very lucky because even during all of this I have made some positive changes for my future and my family's future. I am at the end of my first semester back in school and I'm not going to sugarcoat it this semester has been really hard for me. This year had made me really aware of my mental health and the toll its taken on me during this pandemic. I've also learned to become more vocal when I am feeling stressed and I am learning how to calm my anxiety when I do begin to feel overwhelmed. Taking things one day at a time and one task a time has really helped me stay focused. Although, my grades aren't exactly terrible I didn't do as well as I had hope for my first semester back and the old Bridget would have been devastated with not getting all A's but knowing I did my absolute best I could given the circumstances I am really proud of myself. I pushed myself hard this semester and now at least I know what to look forward to so that I can better manage my time in my upcoming paralegal classes. I didn't realize how heavy the workload for our IS 101 class was going to entail but I do feel that I have done my best and pushed myself to complete MOS Word and MOS Excel and I am so happy I was able to do those. It has also been a pleasure getting to know all of you this semester. I know that each and every one of you is going to go on and do amazing things. You have all inspired me to in some way and I will always be grateful for that. This year has been hell so lets make next year one hell of a year!! Here is to us completing the semester and here is to continuing our education.  

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Doing a happy dance . . .

This past week felt like it went by very slowly but I think it was because I was feeling very nervous about my upcoming MOS certification exams. I felt really confident about MOS Excel because we had just finished all the coursework for it and it was still fresh in my mind. The MOS Word I was very worried about because it seems like the beginning of the semester was so far away by now. I did all the GMetrix and worked my butt off studying and practicing things in Excel and Word and trying to sleep on Friday night was very hard. I felt so excited and nervous for the upcoming exams on Saturday and Sunday but I mostly felt confident that I would pass. Well, Saturday was finally here and I took my MOS Excel certification exam and as I went through all the tasks I didn't even think about the time I just did what had to do to get it done on time. Finally, the submit your exam button came up and I hit submit to generate my score and there it was 828. I passed!!!! I started to dance and wave my arms up and down. I was so excited. I even started to cry because I was so excited and finally all my hard work had paid off. My husband was so happy for me and even Penelope even though she really had no idea what I was talking about and she suggested we all have some ice cream to celebrate but I still had to attend my IS 101 class and my MOS Word certification exam to take the next day so the celebrations would have to wait. Sunday morning I woke up early to give myself enough time to eat breakfast and get mentally prepared for MOS Word. Although I was still on a high from passing my Excel certification I knew that this one would be a little bit more difficult for me. After having a little bit of trouble logging into WebEx which made me feel very nervous that I wouldn't have time to finish my exam or worse not be able to take it, I was finally able to get in and get my exam started. I went through all the problems as thoroughly and as quickly as possible. I felt like I was taking forever on each task and I also felt like is this exam ever going to finish? Finally, the submit your exam button came up again and I hit submit. I also felt like it took forever to receive my score for this one but finally it was graded and my score was generated 863. I passed!!!! I started to do my happy dance again but quickly stopped because there were other students taking their exams and I didn't want to distract them. I am beyond proud of myself for pushing myself to take these certification exams and for passing them both. Now I hope to tackle MOS PowerPoint before the semester is over along with all of my classmates. I know that we can all achieve that coveted trifecta!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Beginning of our Quarantine Christmas

 On friday night we decided to build our gingerbread house. We went over to visit my brother and his family since we didn't get to see them on Thanksgiving. Penelope loves when she gets to visit her cousin Sara. They're only a month apart in age so they have been very close over the years. Penelope says that Sara is her best friend and sometimes they are but sometimes they spend the whole time arguing and telling on each other. Overall though they love to spend time together. The girls were so excited to build the gingerbread house that it was hard to get them to eat dinner before hand but they both managed to eat some thanksgiving leftovers. Then we got to the fun stuff building our gingerbread house. I think I may have built one gingerbread house in my whole life and it was when I was in elementary school and we used graham crackers as the foundation not actual gingerbread. So, this little kit my husband picked up from target was really nice because it came with the gingerbread house, different candies for decoration, and frosting to stick it all together. The adults mostly did all the work while the girls snuck pieces of candy and decided they wanted to eat frosting instead of using it on the gingerbread house. We all had a fun time decorating and starting the beginning of our quarantine Christmas. 


Monday, November 23, 2020

A four day weekend

 I'm so excited that this is a short work week but I'm going to use my time off to be productive and take care of some school work I need to catch up on and also do some major cleaning around the house. I started putting up some small christmas decorations but I think I'll put up our tree this weekend. I know Penelope will love that. My husband also bought her a gingerbread house to make so I'll definitely be posting those pictures for a later blog post. It'll be nice to have some time together with the family but I can't get lazy. I have to keep up with my work or even get a little ahead on it. I want to finish the semester strong. I'm so proud of all of us coming along this far. Hope everyone enjoys their time off but remember we have to keep pushing. We're almost to the finish line. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Monday, November 16, 2020

Gobble 'til you Wobble

 Next week is Thanksgiving and this year even though it has been so tough for many of us, I still can think of many things to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my health and my family's health and that none of us have been sick during this time. My husband and my father in law are both immunocompromised so it's very important we follow all the guidelines set forth by the CDC. I'm thankful that I have an amazing support system around me. My husband and Penelope are always cheering me on and pushing me to do my best in school and in work. I am also thankful to have found a job within the legal field. It may not be the type of law I am interested in for the long term but it's definitely a great step in the right direction. I've already learned so much about real estate investing and passive and active income. Sometimes it can all be a little confusing because I still have so much to learn but I always have to remind myself that my clients are learning too and together we will figure out the best way to protect their hard earned investments. I'm so thankful for my friends who even though I don't get to see them they are always down for a zoom meet up and a glass of wine after a difficult week. I'm thankful that I took the leap and decided to go back to school. I have already learned so much this semester and the things I've learned so far in IS101 I'm actually utilizing at my new job. For example, making multiple inboxes because we receive a lot of email correspondence from clients so its important it goes in the right inbox. I'm so thankful for all my classmates because even though we only see each other once a week through WebEx you all inspire me so much with your blogs and all your hard work in class. So, I hope this Thanksgiving even though we may not get to celebrate with family and friends like we're used to, let's all take a minute and just remember to be thankful. Remember, we aren't starting from scratch. We're starting from experience. Wishing you all a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿฆƒ

Monday, November 9, 2020

Book Club

I recently joined a book club at my work and i'm so excited because I love to read. It'll be a great way to connect with my new coworkers. Also, it'll be fun to read a book that one of the partners at my law firm didn't write. Part of my training was to read those three books. The book we all voted on is called Where the Crawdads sing by Delia Owens. So far it's a really interesting book. I usually like to read before bed but lately I've falling asleep before I can finish a chapter. So, I've made a deal with myself to read at least 5 to 10 pages a day so I can keep up with the reading before we all meet up to discuss the book. Back in April some friends and I decided to have a socially distanced book club while we were all stuck at home and it was so much fun. We read a lot of young adult and fantasy books. I'm looking forward to reading this book because it's like a fiction thriller which is usually what I like to read. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn was quite possibly one of my favorite fiction thriller books that i've read ever. My favorite author of all time though is Chuck Palahniuk. His most famous novel is Fight Club. I have all of his books and almost all of them are autographed. He came into Borders book store where I worked when I was younger and he signed all this books so of course I bought one copy of each one. It was a wonderful day. Who are some of your favorite authors? What is a good book that you would recommend I read? Let me know in the comments. Well, that's all for now folks, have a great week!!!


Monday, November 2, 2020

Happy November!!!!

 Wow, I can't believe it's November already. I swear the months have just flown by. We had a great weekend. Saturday we celebrated Halloween with a little Halloween party for the kids at my brother's house. The girls dressed up in their costumes, we carved pumpkins, and of course we feasted on pizza, cookies, and lots of candy. Way too much candy. It's honestly the only day of the year I let Penelope go crazy with the candy. She's actually not that big into candy otherwise which I think is great. It was a wonderful day and the kids really enjoyed themselves even though they didn't go trick or treating. We wrapped the night up with some popcorn and watched "The Nightmare before Christmas". 

On Sunday November 1st my husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. We were planning to go out for dinner but one of our friend's is starting up his own restaurant and decided to deliver dinner to us as an anniversary gift. So we had crab legs, shrimp, and chicken on a bed of broccoli and pasta. It was delicious. We finished the night with cuddles, cocktails, and binge watched Lovecraft Country. I also took down all the Halloween decorations and started putting up our Christmas decorations. What can I say? I love Christmas!!!! Although, it sure does not feel like fall outside so I can't wait for the temperature to drop so I can wear all my cute fall clothes. Happy November everyone and I want to start this month with gratitude. I'm so thankful that I am surrounded by so many talented and motivated people everyday. Thank you all for continuing to motivate me and for allowing me a glimpse into your lives. See you all next week!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Oh my gourd!!

 This weekend was really nice because I got to spend time with my family doing one of my favorite fall activities! We went to visit the pumpkin patch at Halloween Town. ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ I like going there because there is plenty of space to socially distance. Penelope enjoyed going on the rides and eating cotton candy. I was just happy to be there with my family. Some of the kids came dressed up and that was nice to see. Penelope wants to be a vampire for Halloween and we don't have plans for trick or treating but we still got her a costume anyway. I'm planning on making her a Halloween Basket similar to an Easter basket so she can have some treats for Halloween. Maybe we'll watch her favorite halloween movie "The Nightmare before Christmas", she loves to sing all the songs. ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ Last year I had the pleasure of meeting Tim Burton when I worked at the Neon Museum. He had a exhibition there called "Lost Vegas". It was really cool getting to meet him. He's was always really nice and really cared about his fans. He was nice enough to autograph a book for all of us employees. Well, that's all I got folks!!! Hope everyone has a good week and Happy Halloween. ๐ŸŽƒ

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

One step forward and two steps back

 Last week was a real struggle for me. I was feeling extremely overwhelmed with my new job, keeping up with all my classes and taking care of my family. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like a failure and like I wanted to give up. My anxiety was so bad and I had several panic attacks that would come out of nowhere. I think that dealing with everything that has happened this year finally hit me. I don't think I've allowed myself time to process all the emotions that have come with this quarantine. Like, the fact that I lost my job and the only thing I have done for 14 years and had to start from scratch. I also really miss being around people. While I thought working from home in my pajamas would be fun it's definitely been a big adjustment for someone that loves being around her coworkers. So, I did my best to get caught up on homework and push myself to practice for the MOS certification exam. This week so far has been much better and I can focus on what I have to do to push myself forward. I know that last week was a little hiccup as I begin moving forward in life but man it was a big wake up call. A wake up call that new things are happening and good things are happening and while those things are scary in the end everything will be ok. In the end everything will fall into place as it should. Yesterday I came across this and it really resonated with me "the greatest moments of your life are just around the corner. Trust that all of the hard work you've done and the inner journey you are embarking on will pay off in ways that you cannot imagine. Give thanks to the challenges life is presenting. Life will only give you a test that you can pass. You have everything you need to attain your vision within you. Your inner wisdom is shining."

I hope that you are all doing well and that this week brings you all happiness and many blessings. See you all next week. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Wacky hat day

 Last week Penelope's teacher sent her home with another assignment and this time to celebrate the month of Halloween they decided the kids should make a wacky hat to wear at school. So, we decided that we were gonna make a birthday cake hat and it would have two layers and Penelope could paint it and put glitter all over it. 

We only painted part of the hat so we will have to finish it on another day but so far Penelope is really having fun painting it and she can't wait to wear her wacky hat. Another thing that we did this weekend is my husband and I filled out of mail in ballot. We like to go over all the candidates together and do research on the ones that we are not familiar with. I can't believe the Presidential election is just right around the corner. The time sure does fly. Have a great week everyone and see you all next week. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Spend the day with me . . .

 Today, I'm going to show you a typical day in my life. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride. . .

-6:00am Wake up, drink some water, and take a shower to get ready for work.

-6:30am Attempt to wake up my daughter and get her ready for preschool. The struggle is real sometimes.

-7:00am to 7:30am Make myself a cup of coffee, grab some breakfast to go (I usually never have time to eat and home and take some food to go) and give my husband and Penelope a kiss goodbye and drive to work. 

-8:00am Arrive at work, log into my computer, check my emails and tasks for the day and start preparing to call some clients. 

-9:00am Team huddles. The law coordinators are separated into 3 different teams. We help each other out with tasks and clients throughout the day. During our huddles we like to talk about our wins from the previous work day, our priorities for the day, and any roadblocks we may be dealing with. 

-9:30am to 12:30pm Complete my tasks for the morning and prep for some welcome calls in the afternoon. These calls help us get the information from the clients to help form their entities and send them out to processing. 

-12:30pm to 1:30pm Lunch time!!! Today I packed myself a Santa Fe salad, some sweet peppers with cream cheese, and grapes. It was all very delicious. 

-1:30pm to 5:00pm Complete 3 calls with clients and if my clients are actually prepared I can usually submit their entity and send it out to processing that day. Some clients work faster than others. Wrap up anything I have and get ready to head home. 

-5:30pm Get home. Give Penelope and my hubby a big hug and kiss and find out how everyone's day went. My hubby works from home so he just submitted some stuff for his job and worked on his school stuff. Penelope's teacher sent her home with another craft project. This time we have to make a wacky hat for her to present at school. So, stay tuned for that project. 

-6:00pm Time for dinner. My husband made chicken pot pie and cheddar biscuits for dinner. It was a very carb heavy meal so I'm glad my lunch wasn't. 

-7:00pm to 8:00pm Get Penelope ready for bed. Bathtime is her favorite and relaxes her for bed. 

-8:30pm to 11:30pm Time for homework. Geoff and I are both in school right now so when Penelope is in bed it's our time to get caught up on homework. Sometimes I stay up way later than I should because I get caught up doing schoolwork.

-11:30pm to Midnight time to unwind and fall asleep. Tomorrow will be another day. Another day to be better and do better.

Hope you all enjoyed spending the day with me. Have a great week guys and best of luck on the certification exam. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

A Vegas Icon

 Last week I went to visit the Neon Museum because recently they decided to restore the Moulin Rouge sign. This was my most favorite sign in the boneyard collection and during the time I was employed with the museum it was always my mission to see that sign restored. Although I was no longer working there while it happened I am so happy that it was finally restored. Many of you may not be familiar with the Moulin Rouge Hotel and Casino and I don't blame you because in May of 1955 this casino was only open for five months. It was the first racially integrated resort in Las Vegas. So, when performers like Sammy Davis Jr., Harry Belafonte, and Ella Fitzgerald played the Las Vegas strip casinos they were not allowed to gamble, eat, or stay in the Casino. They entered through a back door, performed, and left out the back door. Of course all of that changed when the Moulin Rouge opened. Finally African American performers had a place that they could call their own. It became so popular with the Rat Pack that they performed a special 2:30am show called their "Breakfast show" just so they could perform in front of a mixed race crowd. Now, I know what you're all thinking "Bridget, if it was so popular why did it close after five months?" Well, there are two theories the first one is that the owner of the Moulin Rouge had poor money management skills and they had to declare bankruptcy. The other theory is that the mobsters who were running the other Vegas casinos at the time didn't like that the Moulin Rouge was taking tourists and celebrities away from the strip. The Moulin Rouge was located on Bonanza Rd about 4 miles up from Las Vegas Boulevard and that is a far distance to travel away from the strip.  So, the mobsters went to the loan officers at the banks, the liquor distributors, and the food distributors and told them "that if you wanna continue to do business with us, then you're not doing business with the Moulin Rouge". So, no matter what theory you believe the Moulin Rouge had to close their doors. However, in the 1960s under threat of a protest march down the Las Vegas strip against racial discrimination by Las Vegas casinos a meeting was arranged to take place at the Moulin Rouge. Then Governor Grant Sawyer, several casino owners, local African American leaders and then NAACP President Dr. James McMillan met to discuss the desegregation of all the Las Vegas casinos. This meeting resulted in what is now known as the Moulin Rouge agreement which fully integrated all the casinos in the city of Las Vegas. So, now you all know why this sign means so much to me because its had a big impact on the history of our city. I personally think it is the most historic sign in the collection and I'm happy to see it finally restored. It is long overdue. 

This beautiful sign was created by Betty Willis (She also designed the Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas sign) this neon sign is glowing pink because that is helium gas on the inside of the glass tubing and when it is electrified it glows that color. There are other types of gases used when making neon signs such as argon and neon gas. Argon is a pale blue color and neon is an orange/red color.

If you guys are interested my wonderful friend Brent Holmes is currently doing a lot of community work in the vacant lot where the Moulin Rouge used to sit. There are some beautiful murals that he and other local artists have painted on the walls there to help revive the vacant lot.  Here's an article from the Review Journal if you would like to learn more:

Monday, September 21, 2020

May the fours be with you

First, I wanna update you the update on Penelope's robot and what we used to make him. We used 2 small boxes for his body and head. I wrapped him with some old wrapping paper we had around the house. He has an antenna on top made out of pipe cleaner. His eyes are made out of gatorade caps and googly eyes. The 3 buttons on his body are soda bottle caps. His arms are made out of a paper towel roll tube and last but not least his wheels are made out of egg cartons. Penelope and her daddy painted those together. She wanted blue and daddy wanted black. We used a glue gun to help put him all together. As someone that used to help in the wardrobe department a lot to come to learn that glue guns are very versatile.  Penelope named him WALL-E. She loved sharing him with her class. We all had a great time making him together and we had all the materials at home. Thank goodness my husband and I recycle. 

I'm sure you're all wondering why I made a Star Wars reference in the title and trust me I love Star Wars but I'm not gonna talk about that today. Today, I'm gonna talk about my little Penelope because she is turning 4 on Wednesday and I just can't believe she's getting so big! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was bringing her home from Summerlin Hospital. She seriously is the best kid. She's funny and smart. She's kind and loves to say hi to everyone whenever we go out. She loves to sing and dance. She loves to climb all over her daddy and snuggle her mommy.  I spoil her a lot and my husband hates that but I do it because I lost my mom when I was 19. She passed away from colon cancer. So, when I give Penelope an extra hug or kiss or candy I do it because I always want her memories with me to be happy and know that I loved her so much. I always worry that someday I may get cancer and this past May I did have a scare but thank goodness it came back negative but I'm not gonna focus on that. No, I am gonna focus on the good. I'm gonna celebrate my little girl who is turning 4 and we are gonna bake a strawberry cake and sing "happy birthday" because I'm gonna be around a very long time and I'm gonna see her grown up to be an amazing woman. 

Do me a favor guys and leave a little message for Penelope in the comments for her birthday. I just know she'll love them. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

I, Robot

 This week Penelope's teacher told us that for class on Friday she had to present a robot made out of recycled materials. Penelope was so excited to find out we were gonna build a robot because one of her favorite movies is WALL-E. Well, I am not very crafty. I mean I wish I was and I always thought I would be one of those moms that makes cute crafts and sews costumes but I'm not really good at any of those things. I have great ideas but yeah overall I'm not crafty. I have a vision but I don't always know how to execute it.  One thing I do love is singing songs with Penelope and WALL-E is great because they use songs from the musical Hello, Dolly!. Her favorite song to sing is "Put on Your Sunday Clothes".  I love musicals. I'm not a very talented singer but I can carry a tune. I hope that one day Penelope will want to give acting a try. I would never force her of course but she is so dramatic sometimes (wonder who she got that from?) and she has a great imagination. 

Building this robot is gonna be so much fun for all of us even if it comes out looking more like a pile of garage and not a robot that collects garbage. I'll be sure to update everyone next week with photos of our progress and the finished robot. Have a wonderful week everyone and don't forget "put on your sunday clothes there's lots of world out there." 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Treat yo' self

First of all, I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. I spent the weekend at the park enjoying the splash pad with Penelope. This little girl loves to run around and play at the park. It was nice playing in the water because it was exceptionally hot this weekend. I wanted to make this weekend extra special because I started a new job today...
That's right guys I was recently hired on as a law coordinator with a local law firm. I applied for the position about a month and a half ago and went through 3 grueling interviews and finally last monday they called to tell me I got the job and would be starting on Tuesday. What? Me? I did it!!!! I was so excited. I'm getting my foot in the door and taking a step in the right direction. So, today I had my orientation and meet some of my fellow coworkers and the Partners of the firm and I was just so excited. I have 2 weeks of intense training ahead of me so my time management skills have to be on point with keeping up with school, work, and family but I know I can do it. Orientation wrapped up a little early today so I decided to treat myself to some Starbucks cause you know, its fall and they have the pumpkin spice cold brew which is my fave but they also have these cute little fox cakepops so I bought one for me and one for Penelope as a treat for when she's done with class.
Also, my husband Geoff got me hooked on Cobra Kai on Netflix and I highly recommend it and since the original Karate Kid movies came out in the 80s I was on a kick of listening to 80s songs but if you're familar with The Weekend he also has a single out called "blinding lights" which totally sounds like an 80s song and has been on repeat while I'm in the car. Here's a video of his VMA performance this year, it was sooooo good. Have a great week everyone and I look forward to more next week :)

Monday, August 31, 2020

Thanks, a latte.

I love coffee but I love coffee dates with my friends even more. Today I went to one of my favorite coffee shops in town, Gรคbi Coffee & Bakery. This place has a super hipster vibe to it, but I love it anyway. The natural light just really makes it feel cozy inside. I just want to cuddle up with a good book and a hot cup of coffee when I’m there. I also love the bar made of book-stacks by the front. I ordered the white chocolate raspberry latte. I don’t actually like my coffee to taste like coffee. I like it sweet. They also have an amazing food selection. I ordered an avocado croissant and a cream cheese donut that tasted like a churro. It was delicious and definitely filled me up. I met up with my friend Francis. She’s one of my best friends and we met while doing a play together at Las Vegas Little Theatre. I love getting to catch up with her because even though we live in the same city it’s so hard to find time to see each other. Adulting sucks sometimes. Because of COVID the cafรฉ wasn’t as busy as it usually is which I liked because people were being good about social distancing and the staff was great about sanitizing tables and chairs.

I think Francis and I spent about two hours in there chatting about everything under the sun. I told her about school and about my blog. Which I told her she would be featured in. She told me about how she’s been helping a local group to build houses for the homeless. She’s always getting involved in the community and doing volunteer work to meet people which I think is great, I just wish I was as outgoing as her. I’m very shy so it takes me a while to warm up to people. She was also laid off from the entertainment industry. She is an acrobat so right now she’s just doing what she can until hopefully some shows start opening back up. She is always such an inspiration to me. She's headed back to New York for a while to take care of some things out there. It was nice catching up especially since I wasn't sure when we would be seeing each other again. Hopefully next time though the weather will be cooler and we can do some fun adventures outdoors. 

Francis and I in "Se-Krits" at Las Vegas Little Theatre


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

In 2006 I was hired to work for The Beatles LOVE show by Cirque Du Soleil. I was a junior in college at the time and I thought I'll just work here until I graduate from UNLV. Well, flash forward to 14 years later and I was still employed at LOVE. I loved the show (no pun intended), I loved my coworkers, I loved our cast and crew, and most importantly I loved what I did. Then on March 14th, 2020 I was furloughed from my beloved job along with most of the hospitality and entertainment industry in Las Vegas. I was devastated. I didn't know how long I would be out of work or if I would even have a job to go back to. All my hard work and dedication gone in a flash. I had no idea what the future would hold for me and my family. My husband had decided to go back to school about a year and a half ago to get his degree in social work. I had always talked about going back to school but I never had quite the right motivation to do so. Well, nothing like a pandemic to make you reevaluate your life choices. So, I took the leap and decided to go back to school and get my paralegal certification. I decided I'm gonna take the lemons that life has handed me and make lemonade. 

So, here I am 36 years old and headed back to school. I'm looking forward to the future and I'm looking forward to an amazing career as a paralegal. Law was something that interested me and I love to do research. I have the amazing support of my husband and daughter guiding me through this new journey in our lives. So far the first week of class has been a little stressful because I'm still learning to adapt to all these virtual classes. I also started a part time job with CaptionCall where I interpret phone calls for people who are hard of hearing. Not to mention I have a little girl who just started Pre-K and so balancing school, work, and home life will definitely be a challenge this semester. I've also had some interviews with some law firms around the city to try and get my foot in the door of my new career path. I just have to remember that I'm human and sometimes its ok to step back take a deep breath and keep pushing. 

Here is to making lemonade in 2020 ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹