About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Monday, September 21, 2020

May the fours be with you

First, I wanna update you the update on Penelope's robot and what we used to make him. We used 2 small boxes for his body and head. I wrapped him with some old wrapping paper we had around the house. He has an antenna on top made out of pipe cleaner. His eyes are made out of gatorade caps and googly eyes. The 3 buttons on his body are soda bottle caps. His arms are made out of a paper towel roll tube and last but not least his wheels are made out of egg cartons. Penelope and her daddy painted those together. She wanted blue and daddy wanted black. We used a glue gun to help put him all together. As someone that used to help in the wardrobe department a lot to come to learn that glue guns are very versatile.  Penelope named him WALL-E. She loved sharing him with her class. We all had a great time making him together and we had all the materials at home. Thank goodness my husband and I recycle. 

I'm sure you're all wondering why I made a Star Wars reference in the title and trust me I love Star Wars but I'm not gonna talk about that today. Today, I'm gonna talk about my little Penelope because she is turning 4 on Wednesday and I just can't believe she's getting so big! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was bringing her home from Summerlin Hospital. She seriously is the best kid. She's funny and smart. She's kind and loves to say hi to everyone whenever we go out. She loves to sing and dance. She loves to climb all over her daddy and snuggle her mommy.  I spoil her a lot and my husband hates that but I do it because I lost my mom when I was 19. She passed away from colon cancer. So, when I give Penelope an extra hug or kiss or candy I do it because I always want her memories with me to be happy and know that I loved her so much. I always worry that someday I may get cancer and this past May I did have a scare but thank goodness it came back negative but I'm not gonna focus on that. No, I am gonna focus on the good. I'm gonna celebrate my little girl who is turning 4 and we are gonna bake a strawberry cake and sing "happy birthday" because I'm gonna be around a very long time and I'm gonna see her grown up to be an amazing woman. 

Do me a favor guys and leave a little message for Penelope in the comments for her birthday. I just know she'll love them. 


  1. Happy 4th Birthday, Penelope!! I hope it is filled with lots of laughter and fun :) Wall-E looks great! Better than anything I could have made ;-)

  2. Thank you for sharing the results of Penelope's project, and please pass along my birthday wishes! I think family above everything else is so important. We all become so consumed in work and school that we neglect our personal needs and even our family members. It's important that we also spend time with our loved ones and continue to make memories. You are such an amazing parent to Penelope and it without a doubt shows- she'll cherish those memories forever!

  3. Happy birthday Penelope :-) Your WALL-E looks awesome! I'm glad to see you had a fun time making WALL-E with your father ^_^

  4. Happy birthday Penelope. WALL-E looks amazing. You have a wonderful mom and dad who cares a lot for you.

  5. Penelope's WALL-E is amazing and very creative. Happy 4th birthday and many more.

  6. Happy birthday Penelope! It's crazy to think how fast they grow up. My nephew turns 6 in January and it feels like he was a baby just a few months ago.

  7. Happy birthday Penelope,your Wall-E looks fantastic and you are so creative.

  8. Congrats on turning 4 Penelope. Your Wall-E looks great.

  9. Happy late birthday Penelope!! I loved your robot, I bet he's the most handsomest robot in the whole class!! He looks so classy in his green polka dot outfit, I cant wait to see what you make next!
