About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Monday, November 23, 2020

A four day weekend

 I'm so excited that this is a short work week but I'm going to use my time off to be productive and take care of some school work I need to catch up on and also do some major cleaning around the house. I started putting up some small christmas decorations but I think I'll put up our tree this weekend. I know Penelope will love that. My husband also bought her a gingerbread house to make so I'll definitely be posting those pictures for a later blog post. It'll be nice to have some time together with the family but I can't get lazy. I have to keep up with my work or even get a little ahead on it. I want to finish the semester strong. I'm so proud of all of us coming along this far. Hope everyone enjoys their time off but remember we have to keep pushing. We're almost to the finish line. 😊😊


  1. We are less than month away from the finish line. Glad you are using the four-day weekend to catch up :-)

  2. Touché on wanting to finish the semester STRONG. We got this- we made it this far already, and we're in the homestretch. Happy Holidays- I look forward to seeing Penelope's gingerbread house. :D

  3. I am still debating if I will have my kids do a house. For now, we have extra large gingerbread cookies to decorate :) I am glad this is a short week too! There is so much I need to get done for classes!

  4. The finish line is right around the corner, I have enjoyed the time spent in this class and hopefully my spring semester classmates will be as encouraging, motivating, and cool as my IS101 classmates. Happy Holidays!

  5. Sometimes it is good to have time off, you don't need to rush off to work. I just finished putting up some of my Christmas decorations, but still need to do some more.

  6. That's great that your using your time to be more productive. I find it difficult to use too much of my off time for work purposes. Years ago, I learned that balance is very important for mental well being.

  7. Glad you were productive over the break, but don't forget to have some time to relax too.

  8. I wish I was one of those people that put up Christmas décor in a timely manner but alas, I hate putting Christmas up. I love looking at it but I hate putting it up.
