About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Gobble 'til you Wobble

 Next week is Thanksgiving and this year even though it has been so tough for many of us, I still can think of many things to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my health and my family's health and that none of us have been sick during this time. My husband and my father in law are both immunocompromised so it's very important we follow all the guidelines set forth by the CDC. I'm thankful that I have an amazing support system around me. My husband and Penelope are always cheering me on and pushing me to do my best in school and in work. I am also thankful to have found a job within the legal field. It may not be the type of law I am interested in for the long term but it's definitely a great step in the right direction. I've already learned so much about real estate investing and passive and active income. Sometimes it can all be a little confusing because I still have so much to learn but I always have to remind myself that my clients are learning too and together we will figure out the best way to protect their hard earned investments. I'm so thankful for my friends who even though I don't get to see them they are always down for a zoom meet up and a glass of wine after a difficult week. I'm thankful that I took the leap and decided to go back to school. I have already learned so much this semester and the things I've learned so far in IS101 I'm actually utilizing at my new job. For example, making multiple inboxes because we receive a lot of email correspondence from clients so its important it goes in the right inbox. I'm so thankful for all my classmates because even though we only see each other once a week through WebEx you all inspire me so much with your blogs and all your hard work in class. So, I hope this Thanksgiving even though we may not get to celebrate with family and friends like we're used to, let's all take a minute and just remember to be thankful. Remember, we aren't starting from scratch. We're starting from experience. Wishing you all a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving 🦃🦃🦃🦃


  1. Yes, there are many things to be thankful for :-) Everyone's hard work and tenacity is inspiring indeed ^_^

  2. I hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. Likewise, I am appreciative of your constant joyous presence in class; it is a pleasure to be your classmate.

  3. We definitely still have plenty to be thankful for in spite of everything happening this year. I am glad you were not only my classmate for IS 101, but that we are also pursuing the same degree :) Oh, and that we are taking Law 101 from the same professor ;) I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Thank you for the wishes. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time on Thanksgiving as well. I am not much of a writer but I do enjoy reading your story and our classmates.

  5. "Remember, we aren't starting from scratch. We're starting from experience", I will be borrowing this line. You are absolutely correct, despite the pandemic life has offered a lot to be thankful in the year 2020. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Happy to see that you are noticing all of the positivity around you and looking past the negative. It's a great mindset to maintain your mental health and happiness.

  7. I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving yesterday. I'm glad you have a great support system.

  8. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!
