About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Life goes on . . .

2020 has been a hell of a year. I remember on New Years Eve all my friends toasting to 2020 and saying that this was their year. They were gonna do everything the always wanted to do, travel, find a new job, be better versions of who they already were but Covid had other plans. Many of my friends have found new job but not because they had intended to but because they had to, to survive. Many of us have decided to go back to school because we wanted to try to find a pandemic proof career field. I have been very lucky because even during all of this I have made some positive changes for my future and my family's future. I am at the end of my first semester back in school and I'm not going to sugarcoat it this semester has been really hard for me. This year had made me really aware of my mental health and the toll its taken on me during this pandemic. I've also learned to become more vocal when I am feeling stressed and I am learning how to calm my anxiety when I do begin to feel overwhelmed. Taking things one day at a time and one task a time has really helped me stay focused. Although, my grades aren't exactly terrible I didn't do as well as I had hope for my first semester back and the old Bridget would have been devastated with not getting all A's but knowing I did my absolute best I could given the circumstances I am really proud of myself. I pushed myself hard this semester and now at least I know what to look forward to so that I can better manage my time in my upcoming paralegal classes. I didn't realize how heavy the workload for our IS 101 class was going to entail but I do feel that I have done my best and pushed myself to complete MOS Word and MOS Excel and I am so happy I was able to do those. It has also been a pleasure getting to know all of you this semester. I know that each and every one of you is going to go on and do amazing things. You have all inspired me to in some way and I will always be grateful for that. This year has been hell so lets make next year one hell of a year!! Here is to us completing the semester and here is to continuing our education.  


  1. It's been a real pleasure getting to know you this semester, Bridget :) I hope that our paths will cross in the near future at some law firm ;) Thank you for brightening up the class every Saturday, and reading my comments out loud for Professor Wu.

  2. Yes, you must speak up for yourself when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed! If not you then who? If you cannot even take care of your own mental health, how are you to take care of the mental health of your loved ones?

    I am pleased to see you are getting a better handle on anxiety and is taking things one day and one task at a time.

    Well done on conquering MOS Word and MOS Excel. The PowerPoint coursework and MOS PowerPoint await ^_^

  3. Professional and personal growth is impactful. Professional and personal growth is an investment for yourself. It's unfortunate that you had a unexpected career change, but excited that this opened up new opportunities for you. It was such a pleasure having you as a classmate :-)

  4. I love that you made the most of a really difficult situation! Like most of this year you had to spin and just about to somersaults to stay on top of everything! But you made it!
