About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Spend the day with me . . .

 Today, I'm going to show you a typical day in my life. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride. . .

-6:00am Wake up, drink some water, and take a shower to get ready for work.

-6:30am Attempt to wake up my daughter and get her ready for preschool. The struggle is real sometimes.

-7:00am to 7:30am Make myself a cup of coffee, grab some breakfast to go (I usually never have time to eat and home and take some food to go) and give my husband and Penelope a kiss goodbye and drive to work. 

-8:00am Arrive at work, log into my computer, check my emails and tasks for the day and start preparing to call some clients. 

-9:00am Team huddles. The law coordinators are separated into 3 different teams. We help each other out with tasks and clients throughout the day. During our huddles we like to talk about our wins from the previous work day, our priorities for the day, and any roadblocks we may be dealing with. 

-9:30am to 12:30pm Complete my tasks for the morning and prep for some welcome calls in the afternoon. These calls help us get the information from the clients to help form their entities and send them out to processing. 

-12:30pm to 1:30pm Lunch time!!! Today I packed myself a Santa Fe salad, some sweet peppers with cream cheese, and grapes. It was all very delicious. 

-1:30pm to 5:00pm Complete 3 calls with clients and if my clients are actually prepared I can usually submit their entity and send it out to processing that day. Some clients work faster than others. Wrap up anything I have and get ready to head home. 

-5:30pm Get home. Give Penelope and my hubby a big hug and kiss and find out how everyone's day went. My hubby works from home so he just submitted some stuff for his job and worked on his school stuff. Penelope's teacher sent her home with another craft project. This time we have to make a wacky hat for her to present at school. So, stay tuned for that project. 

-6:00pm Time for dinner. My husband made chicken pot pie and cheddar biscuits for dinner. It was a very carb heavy meal so I'm glad my lunch wasn't. 

-7:00pm to 8:00pm Get Penelope ready for bed. Bathtime is her favorite and relaxes her for bed. 

-8:30pm to 11:30pm Time for homework. Geoff and I are both in school right now so when Penelope is in bed it's our time to get caught up on homework. Sometimes I stay up way later than I should because I get caught up doing schoolwork.

-11:30pm to Midnight time to unwind and fall asleep. Tomorrow will be another day. Another day to be better and do better.

Hope you all enjoyed spending the day with me. Have a great week guys and best of luck on the certification exam. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your day :-) Work, family, school (all three of you), quite a jam packed day! Stay organized and focused, you will succeed ^_^

  2. That sounds like a very busy day! I hope that weekends at least provide some relaxation and family time :)

  3. I applaud your thrive to success and your dedication to accomplish all things throughout the day. Remember that although work and school are also important, it is important to prioritize your health and get 8 hours of sleep. I'm right there with you feeling like my days are super busy everyday!

  4. It's great to see you still pursuing your education even with such a busy schedule. Keep up the great work, we're halfway through the semester.

  5. Pat yourself on the back, juggling three occupations on a daily basis is an accomplishment, I am familiar with the process myself and it is not an easy task.

  6. I like the positive ending, "Another day to be better and do better". Keep going and you'll finish school in no time.

  7. Wow, what a busy day, it sounds like your a very important person in many other peoples day, they are lucky to have you. Keep it up!

  8. I don't know why but the sentence you said "It was all very delicious." sounded so pleasant to me LOL! I love how positive yet matter of fact you are!
