About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

One step forward and two steps back

 Last week was a real struggle for me. I was feeling extremely overwhelmed with my new job, keeping up with all my classes and taking care of my family. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like a failure and like I wanted to give up. My anxiety was so bad and I had several panic attacks that would come out of nowhere. I think that dealing with everything that has happened this year finally hit me. I don't think I've allowed myself time to process all the emotions that have come with this quarantine. Like, the fact that I lost my job and the only thing I have done for 14 years and had to start from scratch. I also really miss being around people. While I thought working from home in my pajamas would be fun it's definitely been a big adjustment for someone that loves being around her coworkers. So, I did my best to get caught up on homework and push myself to practice for the MOS certification exam. This week so far has been much better and I can focus on what I have to do to push myself forward. I know that last week was a little hiccup as I begin moving forward in life but man it was a big wake up call. A wake up call that new things are happening and good things are happening and while those things are scary in the end everything will be ok. In the end everything will fall into place as it should. Yesterday I came across this and it really resonated with me "the greatest moments of your life are just around the corner. Trust that all of the hard work you've done and the inner journey you are embarking on will pay off in ways that you cannot imagine. Give thanks to the challenges life is presenting. Life will only give you a test that you can pass. You have everything you need to attain your vision within you. Your inner wisdom is shining."

I hope that you are all doing well and that this week brings you all happiness and many blessings. See you all next week. 


  1. Glad you didn't give up! Anxiety is temporary and things will fall into place :-) Keep up the hard work and use GMetrix to practice for MOS Word ^_^

  2. I am feeling this way this week with the addition of another class. We just need to keep pressing forward for the end goal :)

  3. Hi Bridget! Keep strong, and don't give up. We're already halfway through the semester, and we will all make it. This has been the most stressful semester of my academic career, and I can resonate with your experience of having anxiety during this very trying time. If there is anything I can do, please do reach out. :-)

  4. I'm happy that you didn't quit. Just one step at a time is what I tell myself when I feel overwhelmed. Things will get better just put things in perspective.

  5. They say you have to take two steps back to take one step forward in the right direction. Appears you are focused again and the quote is inspirational. Hope you keep pushing forward.

  6. We're almost finished with the semester, you've came this far already. Don't let anxiety hold you down, you got this.

  7. Keep up the hard work and it will see you through the hard times.

  8. When things get really overwhelming in my life, I always tell myself "as long as I am breathing, I am surviving and things will be okay. They might get really hard they might not turn out how I want them to but as long as I am alive I have already won." I feel like we all get so caught up in all the small details of life but ultimately, we are just animals trying to live. I find comfort in that bc as long as I am not dead I am winning the evolutionary battle.
