About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Beginning of our Quarantine Christmas

 On friday night we decided to build our gingerbread house. We went over to visit my brother and his family since we didn't get to see them on Thanksgiving. Penelope loves when she gets to visit her cousin Sara. They're only a month apart in age so they have been very close over the years. Penelope says that Sara is her best friend and sometimes they are but sometimes they spend the whole time arguing and telling on each other. Overall though they love to spend time together. The girls were so excited to build the gingerbread house that it was hard to get them to eat dinner before hand but they both managed to eat some thanksgiving leftovers. Then we got to the fun stuff building our gingerbread house. I think I may have built one gingerbread house in my whole life and it was when I was in elementary school and we used graham crackers as the foundation not actual gingerbread. So, this little kit my husband picked up from target was really nice because it came with the gingerbread house, different candies for decoration, and frosting to stick it all together. The adults mostly did all the work while the girls snuck pieces of candy and decided they wanted to eat frosting instead of using it on the gingerbread house. We all had a fun time decorating and starting the beginning of our quarantine Christmas. 


Monday, November 23, 2020

A four day weekend

 I'm so excited that this is a short work week but I'm going to use my time off to be productive and take care of some school work I need to catch up on and also do some major cleaning around the house. I started putting up some small christmas decorations but I think I'll put up our tree this weekend. I know Penelope will love that. My husband also bought her a gingerbread house to make so I'll definitely be posting those pictures for a later blog post. It'll be nice to have some time together with the family but I can't get lazy. I have to keep up with my work or even get a little ahead on it. I want to finish the semester strong. I'm so proud of all of us coming along this far. Hope everyone enjoys their time off but remember we have to keep pushing. We're almost to the finish line. 😊😊

Monday, November 16, 2020

Gobble 'til you Wobble

 Next week is Thanksgiving and this year even though it has been so tough for many of us, I still can think of many things to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my health and my family's health and that none of us have been sick during this time. My husband and my father in law are both immunocompromised so it's very important we follow all the guidelines set forth by the CDC. I'm thankful that I have an amazing support system around me. My husband and Penelope are always cheering me on and pushing me to do my best in school and in work. I am also thankful to have found a job within the legal field. It may not be the type of law I am interested in for the long term but it's definitely a great step in the right direction. I've already learned so much about real estate investing and passive and active income. Sometimes it can all be a little confusing because I still have so much to learn but I always have to remind myself that my clients are learning too and together we will figure out the best way to protect their hard earned investments. I'm so thankful for my friends who even though I don't get to see them they are always down for a zoom meet up and a glass of wine after a difficult week. I'm thankful that I took the leap and decided to go back to school. I have already learned so much this semester and the things I've learned so far in IS101 I'm actually utilizing at my new job. For example, making multiple inboxes because we receive a lot of email correspondence from clients so its important it goes in the right inbox. I'm so thankful for all my classmates because even though we only see each other once a week through WebEx you all inspire me so much with your blogs and all your hard work in class. So, I hope this Thanksgiving even though we may not get to celebrate with family and friends like we're used to, let's all take a minute and just remember to be thankful. Remember, we aren't starting from scratch. We're starting from experience. Wishing you all a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving 🦃🦃🦃🦃

Monday, November 9, 2020

Book Club

I recently joined a book club at my work and i'm so excited because I love to read. It'll be a great way to connect with my new coworkers. Also, it'll be fun to read a book that one of the partners at my law firm didn't write. Part of my training was to read those three books. The book we all voted on is called Where the Crawdads sing by Delia Owens. So far it's a really interesting book. I usually like to read before bed but lately I've falling asleep before I can finish a chapter. So, I've made a deal with myself to read at least 5 to 10 pages a day so I can keep up with the reading before we all meet up to discuss the book. Back in April some friends and I decided to have a socially distanced book club while we were all stuck at home and it was so much fun. We read a lot of young adult and fantasy books. I'm looking forward to reading this book because it's like a fiction thriller which is usually what I like to read. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn was quite possibly one of my favorite fiction thriller books that i've read ever. My favorite author of all time though is Chuck Palahniuk. His most famous novel is Fight Club. I have all of his books and almost all of them are autographed. He came into Borders book store where I worked when I was younger and he signed all this books so of course I bought one copy of each one. It was a wonderful day. Who are some of your favorite authors? What is a good book that you would recommend I read? Let me know in the comments. Well, that's all for now folks, have a great week!!!


Monday, November 2, 2020

Happy November!!!!

 Wow, I can't believe it's November already. I swear the months have just flown by. We had a great weekend. Saturday we celebrated Halloween with a little Halloween party for the kids at my brother's house. The girls dressed up in their costumes, we carved pumpkins, and of course we feasted on pizza, cookies, and lots of candy. Way too much candy. It's honestly the only day of the year I let Penelope go crazy with the candy. She's actually not that big into candy otherwise which I think is great. It was a wonderful day and the kids really enjoyed themselves even though they didn't go trick or treating. We wrapped the night up with some popcorn and watched "The Nightmare before Christmas". 

On Sunday November 1st my husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. We were planning to go out for dinner but one of our friend's is starting up his own restaurant and decided to deliver dinner to us as an anniversary gift. So we had crab legs, shrimp, and chicken on a bed of broccoli and pasta. It was delicious. We finished the night with cuddles, cocktails, and binge watched Lovecraft Country. I also took down all the Halloween decorations and started putting up our Christmas decorations. What can I say? I love Christmas!!!! Although, it sure does not feel like fall outside so I can't wait for the temperature to drop so I can wear all my cute fall clothes. Happy November everyone and I want to start this month with gratitude. I'm so thankful that I am surrounded by so many talented and motivated people everyday. Thank you all for continuing to motivate me and for allowing me a glimpse into your lives. See you all next week!