About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Monday, September 28, 2020

A Vegas Icon

 Last week I went to visit the Neon Museum because recently they decided to restore the Moulin Rouge sign. This was my most favorite sign in the boneyard collection and during the time I was employed with the museum it was always my mission to see that sign restored. Although I was no longer working there while it happened I am so happy that it was finally restored. Many of you may not be familiar with the Moulin Rouge Hotel and Casino and I don't blame you because in May of 1955 this casino was only open for five months. It was the first racially integrated resort in Las Vegas. So, when performers like Sammy Davis Jr., Harry Belafonte, and Ella Fitzgerald played the Las Vegas strip casinos they were not allowed to gamble, eat, or stay in the Casino. They entered through a back door, performed, and left out the back door. Of course all of that changed when the Moulin Rouge opened. Finally African American performers had a place that they could call their own. It became so popular with the Rat Pack that they performed a special 2:30am show called their "Breakfast show" just so they could perform in front of a mixed race crowd. Now, I know what you're all thinking "Bridget, if it was so popular why did it close after five months?" Well, there are two theories the first one is that the owner of the Moulin Rouge had poor money management skills and they had to declare bankruptcy. The other theory is that the mobsters who were running the other Vegas casinos at the time didn't like that the Moulin Rouge was taking tourists and celebrities away from the strip. The Moulin Rouge was located on Bonanza Rd about 4 miles up from Las Vegas Boulevard and that is a far distance to travel away from the strip.  So, the mobsters went to the loan officers at the banks, the liquor distributors, and the food distributors and told them "that if you wanna continue to do business with us, then you're not doing business with the Moulin Rouge". So, no matter what theory you believe the Moulin Rouge had to close their doors. However, in the 1960s under threat of a protest march down the Las Vegas strip against racial discrimination by Las Vegas casinos a meeting was arranged to take place at the Moulin Rouge. Then Governor Grant Sawyer, several casino owners, local African American leaders and then NAACP President Dr. James McMillan met to discuss the desegregation of all the Las Vegas casinos. This meeting resulted in what is now known as the Moulin Rouge agreement which fully integrated all the casinos in the city of Las Vegas. So, now you all know why this sign means so much to me because its had a big impact on the history of our city. I personally think it is the most historic sign in the collection and I'm happy to see it finally restored. It is long overdue. 

This beautiful sign was created by Betty Willis (She also designed the Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas sign) this neon sign is glowing pink because that is helium gas on the inside of the glass tubing and when it is electrified it glows that color. There are other types of gases used when making neon signs such as argon and neon gas. Argon is a pale blue color and neon is an orange/red color.

If you guys are interested my wonderful friend Brent Holmes is currently doing a lot of community work in the vacant lot where the Moulin Rouge used to sit. There are some beautiful murals that he and other local artists have painted on the walls there to help revive the vacant lot.  Here's an article from the Review Journal if you would like to learn more:

Monday, September 21, 2020

May the fours be with you

First, I wanna update you the update on Penelope's robot and what we used to make him. We used 2 small boxes for his body and head. I wrapped him with some old wrapping paper we had around the house. He has an antenna on top made out of pipe cleaner. His eyes are made out of gatorade caps and googly eyes. The 3 buttons on his body are soda bottle caps. His arms are made out of a paper towel roll tube and last but not least his wheels are made out of egg cartons. Penelope and her daddy painted those together. She wanted blue and daddy wanted black. We used a glue gun to help put him all together. As someone that used to help in the wardrobe department a lot to come to learn that glue guns are very versatile.  Penelope named him WALL-E. She loved sharing him with her class. We all had a great time making him together and we had all the materials at home. Thank goodness my husband and I recycle. 

I'm sure you're all wondering why I made a Star Wars reference in the title and trust me I love Star Wars but I'm not gonna talk about that today. Today, I'm gonna talk about my little Penelope because she is turning 4 on Wednesday and I just can't believe she's getting so big! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was bringing her home from Summerlin Hospital. She seriously is the best kid. She's funny and smart. She's kind and loves to say hi to everyone whenever we go out. She loves to sing and dance. She loves to climb all over her daddy and snuggle her mommy.  I spoil her a lot and my husband hates that but I do it because I lost my mom when I was 19. She passed away from colon cancer. So, when I give Penelope an extra hug or kiss or candy I do it because I always want her memories with me to be happy and know that I loved her so much. I always worry that someday I may get cancer and this past May I did have a scare but thank goodness it came back negative but I'm not gonna focus on that. No, I am gonna focus on the good. I'm gonna celebrate my little girl who is turning 4 and we are gonna bake a strawberry cake and sing "happy birthday" because I'm gonna be around a very long time and I'm gonna see her grown up to be an amazing woman. 

Do me a favor guys and leave a little message for Penelope in the comments for her birthday. I just know she'll love them. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

I, Robot

 This week Penelope's teacher told us that for class on Friday she had to present a robot made out of recycled materials. Penelope was so excited to find out we were gonna build a robot because one of her favorite movies is WALL-E. Well, I am not very crafty. I mean I wish I was and I always thought I would be one of those moms that makes cute crafts and sews costumes but I'm not really good at any of those things. I have great ideas but yeah overall I'm not crafty. I have a vision but I don't always know how to execute it.  One thing I do love is singing songs with Penelope and WALL-E is great because they use songs from the musical Hello, Dolly!. Her favorite song to sing is "Put on Your Sunday Clothes".  I love musicals. I'm not a very talented singer but I can carry a tune. I hope that one day Penelope will want to give acting a try. I would never force her of course but she is so dramatic sometimes (wonder who she got that from?) and she has a great imagination. 

Building this robot is gonna be so much fun for all of us even if it comes out looking more like a pile of garage and not a robot that collects garbage. I'll be sure to update everyone next week with photos of our progress and the finished robot. Have a wonderful week everyone and don't forget "put on your sunday clothes there's lots of world out there." 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Treat yo' self

First of all, I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. I spent the weekend at the park enjoying the splash pad with Penelope. This little girl loves to run around and play at the park. It was nice playing in the water because it was exceptionally hot this weekend. I wanted to make this weekend extra special because I started a new job today...
That's right guys I was recently hired on as a law coordinator with a local law firm. I applied for the position about a month and a half ago and went through 3 grueling interviews and finally last monday they called to tell me I got the job and would be starting on Tuesday. What? Me? I did it!!!! I was so excited. I'm getting my foot in the door and taking a step in the right direction. So, today I had my orientation and meet some of my fellow coworkers and the Partners of the firm and I was just so excited. I have 2 weeks of intense training ahead of me so my time management skills have to be on point with keeping up with school, work, and family but I know I can do it. Orientation wrapped up a little early today so I decided to treat myself to some Starbucks cause you know, its fall and they have the pumpkin spice cold brew which is my fave but they also have these cute little fox cakepops so I bought one for me and one for Penelope as a treat for when she's done with class.
Also, my husband Geoff got me hooked on Cobra Kai on Netflix and I highly recommend it and since the original Karate Kid movies came out in the 80s I was on a kick of listening to 80s songs but if you're familar with The Weekend he also has a single out called "blinding lights" which totally sounds like an 80s song and has been on repeat while I'm in the car. Here's a video of his VMA performance this year, it was sooooo good. Have a great week everyone and I look forward to more next week :)