About Me

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens . . . my name is Bridget and I'm 36 years old living in beautiful Las Vegas with my husband Geoff and our little girl Penelope. Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so excited to start my blog during my favorite season. So, join me as I tell you about my life and its many adventures.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Thanks, a latte.

I love coffee but I love coffee dates with my friends even more. Today I went to one of my favorite coffee shops in town, Gรคbi Coffee & Bakery. This place has a super hipster vibe to it, but I love it anyway. The natural light just really makes it feel cozy inside. I just want to cuddle up with a good book and a hot cup of coffee when I’m there. I also love the bar made of book-stacks by the front. I ordered the white chocolate raspberry latte. I don’t actually like my coffee to taste like coffee. I like it sweet. They also have an amazing food selection. I ordered an avocado croissant and a cream cheese donut that tasted like a churro. It was delicious and definitely filled me up. I met up with my friend Francis. She’s one of my best friends and we met while doing a play together at Las Vegas Little Theatre. I love getting to catch up with her because even though we live in the same city it’s so hard to find time to see each other. Adulting sucks sometimes. Because of COVID the cafรฉ wasn’t as busy as it usually is which I liked because people were being good about social distancing and the staff was great about sanitizing tables and chairs.

I think Francis and I spent about two hours in there chatting about everything under the sun. I told her about school and about my blog. Which I told her she would be featured in. She told me about how she’s been helping a local group to build houses for the homeless. She’s always getting involved in the community and doing volunteer work to meet people which I think is great, I just wish I was as outgoing as her. I’m very shy so it takes me a while to warm up to people. She was also laid off from the entertainment industry. She is an acrobat so right now she’s just doing what she can until hopefully some shows start opening back up. She is always such an inspiration to me. She's headed back to New York for a while to take care of some things out there. It was nice catching up especially since I wasn't sure when we would be seeing each other again. Hopefully next time though the weather will be cooler and we can do some fun adventures outdoors. 

Francis and I in "Se-Krits" at Las Vegas Little Theatre


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

In 2006 I was hired to work for The Beatles LOVE show by Cirque Du Soleil. I was a junior in college at the time and I thought I'll just work here until I graduate from UNLV. Well, flash forward to 14 years later and I was still employed at LOVE. I loved the show (no pun intended), I loved my coworkers, I loved our cast and crew, and most importantly I loved what I did. Then on March 14th, 2020 I was furloughed from my beloved job along with most of the hospitality and entertainment industry in Las Vegas. I was devastated. I didn't know how long I would be out of work or if I would even have a job to go back to. All my hard work and dedication gone in a flash. I had no idea what the future would hold for me and my family. My husband had decided to go back to school about a year and a half ago to get his degree in social work. I had always talked about going back to school but I never had quite the right motivation to do so. Well, nothing like a pandemic to make you reevaluate your life choices. So, I took the leap and decided to go back to school and get my paralegal certification. I decided I'm gonna take the lemons that life has handed me and make lemonade. 

So, here I am 36 years old and headed back to school. I'm looking forward to the future and I'm looking forward to an amazing career as a paralegal. Law was something that interested me and I love to do research. I have the amazing support of my husband and daughter guiding me through this new journey in our lives. So far the first week of class has been a little stressful because I'm still learning to adapt to all these virtual classes. I also started a part time job with CaptionCall where I interpret phone calls for people who are hard of hearing. Not to mention I have a little girl who just started Pre-K and so balancing school, work, and home life will definitely be a challenge this semester. I've also had some interviews with some law firms around the city to try and get my foot in the door of my new career path. I just have to remember that I'm human and sometimes its ok to step back take a deep breath and keep pushing. 

Here is to making lemonade in 2020 ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹